Saturday, November 3, 2018

It's OK To Be White?

Not if you're Fort Worth Councilperson Cary Moon who condemned the posters. “I condemn any type of literature sign that is posted that may be offensive to some folks,” stated Moon.

The local Fort Worth politician advised residents to leave the It's OK To Be White posters in place pending criminal investigation.

No it Isn't

It's OK To Be White literature signs have mysteriously appeared in multiple cities worldwide, provoking fury, indignation and scorn from outraged leftists. 

This Does Not Represent Councilperson Moon

Here at the Compound we urge all readers to fully cooperate with investigations into "literature signs" that "may be offensive to some folks." 

A Typical Offensive Literature Sign. Do Not Take Down!

Do not, under any circumstances, take these literature signs down. They may be offensive, to some folks. 

Your public servant,



  1. "America was never great".

    Obviously, pure projection by who ever put that up.

    That line always makes me think of this example--

  2. Idiocy. I am offended that they are offended.
    Oh wait. I'm white. That doesn't matter...

  3. Anybody can claim to be a public servant, Pastor. Prove it: you must have at least $4,000,000 in the bank, and $70,000 in your freezer.

    Everybody knows that.

  4. Snerk. Yep, that is sending some folks over the top...

  5. I wonder what crime they're investigating? Maybe it is illegal to be white now...

  6. It is just in recent years we have been conditioned to react defensively when someone says, "I'm offended!!!!!" In my case, they are really torqued when I reply, "I don't give a rat's ass if you are".

  7. RHT, I was moved by that video.

    Saying that, the poster was designed and put up by our guys (Joe Verrone) and it raises the point -- the dems are starting to platform full commie.

    Don't take that "literature sign" down!

  8. Linda, check your privilege! An report yourself for re-education.

  9. It seems the arrow struck home, NFO.

  10. That, LL, is a very good question. Fort Worth is weirdly lib, how the hell did that happen to Cow Town?

  11. WSF, I just laughed! That's my line too, though I'm not usually so polite. Sometimes I say to them at, say, drinks parties, "What's wrong with you? You're just a drone of the hivemind." And it goes on from there...
