Friday, November 23, 2018

Black Friday Frenzy!

Black Friday. Here we are at one of the pyramid peak celebrations of the old lie. Viz. Buying more molded plastic and associated things will make you happy, fulfilled and rich. Being a citizen journalist, I went to Walmart to cover the story.

Mallbrawls, scrapping over flatscreens, getting into it over rollovers? No. You could've shot a canon down the aisles of cut price mammon and not hit a soul.

I walked away, as a committed Monarchist, with some eggs, carrots, bullets, a bottle of wine and pie crust pastry. It was easy, no lines.

Why the absence, had a neutron bomb gone off, were people too full to move or were they staying at home in a grass roots movement to boycott the big corp rainbow in favour of a return to the governance of Christendom?

On that theme, well done Russia, you're the one that got away from beneath the talons of the nihilist beast.



  1. I haven't been outside, so perhaps it was a gamma ray soak from some sort of stealth space platform, targeting specific locations on the planet. WalMart would seem to be a great place to start. Humans gone and LSP free to indulge his consumer fantasy by loading a cart with pre-molded plastic doo-dads, imported straight from's grist for a new sci-fi thriller. Where is Juliette, the art philosopher and author when we need her?

    True, she (too) may have been abducted by space aliens (zombies dressed up like clowns).

  2. Just got back from Walmart- go there about once a year- there were very few people there. My take is the much vaunted boom is confined to the stock market and other areas where debt replaces capital- housing, cars etc. An awful lot of people are tapped out for cash and card credit. We hear all these stories about how folks cannot come up with 400 bucks for an emergency repair, or how x number have less than $500 in the bank etc-
    Sooner or later the CC's they have been living on get maxxed.....and Walmart looks empty.

  3. Ed, the Romaine scare's a terrible thing but my guess, for what it's worth, is that the crew were "sleeping it off." I could be wrong, just a guess. As it is, it was pleasant to stroll through the peaceful aisles of this country Walmart.

  4. I was thinking exactly the same thought, Raven. Throw a massive malt liquor and jack hangover onto the maxxed out CCs and whaddya get? An empty Walmart. Hey, I'm not complaining, I liked the space. When everything collapses we'll turn it into a drill hall and concert venue for coronation anthems.

  5. Whoa! Mr. Wolf! You beat me to it. Skydome Atlantis firing from orbit on this sleepy rural haven? Don't say weaponized ASGARDIA.

    I sent Juliette photos of the frenzied mallbrawl crazy Walmart to inspire her for the novel but she was busy making something she calls "infused oils."

    Perhaps these will come in handy as we turn the empty gamma ray scoured shell of Walmart into an indoor arena and drill hall for the Dallas Light Cavalry (irreg.)? Your call, RHSM.

  6. I think that the phenomenon of Black Friday chaos only really happens in cities run by Libtards:

    Since Media people tend to live in Libtard areas, the stories get more coverage.

  7. Americans have a right to enter the Temple of the Living Elvis (shopping malls) to spend their hard earned money on products made in China that will end up as landfill. It's not in the Constitution, but I'm sure that if the Democrats get their way, it will be in the "Living Constitution".

  8. Bought some rifle parts online on Black Friday. That I don't mind. Now battling a crowd over TVs is something I'll pass on.
