Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Just Some Random Memes

Is this helpful? Then there's...

Inspirational, right?

And look, DiFi in the Forbidden Palace!

Well done Q, hope that's true.

God bless,



  1. There is a lot of shamelessness coursing about these days, LSP.

    Memes do tell a story, don't they. Worth 1000 words.

  2. You would be in huuuuuge debt if you did this in Canada! Fight for your freedom.

  3. And now we have the guy coming out and saying Ford was lying about flying, the polygraph, and other random stuff. Talk about courage! This guy is actually admitting to "being in a relationship" with this loon. She must have some hidden talents 'cause it sure isn't her looks.

    I watched part of Trump's Mississippi rally. Highlight: Something about Biden's low approval ratings before Odumbo "picked him off the trash heap."

  4. Perhaps it's time we seriously revisited the 19th amendment and considered repealing it.

  5. I have to agree, LL. Some want to ban them; that'd be the Left, which can't meme, curiously.

  6. Well said, Julie. I love Canada, btw.

  7. Adrienne, I don't want to even guess at Blasey Fraud's hidden talents. But we all know she's very good at getting very wealthy.

  8. You make an excellent point, Infidel. While we're at it...

    Lock her up.
