Monday, October 22, 2018

Go To The Lake

It seemed right to go fishing today so I drove to the lake, which is high because of torrential rain. First stop, the dam spillway and there was the mighty Brazos, in full flood.

A couple of guys were trying their luck but not catching anything and I took in the sight for a reflective moment or two before heading to the other side of the dam.

It was deserted and no wonder, there was hardly any accessible shoreline to cast off from but I clambered down the rip rap and sent a torpedo out onto the glassy water. Fish were jumping, mostly just out of range and all made sure to avoid enticing topwater lures.

Still, it was good to get out in the open Texan air and watch the tranquil water of the lake, to say nothing of the tantalizing excitement of topwater fishing. 

Would the monster Bass you knew were lurking in the murky depths explode on the lure with piscine fury? You know they're there and you know they'll go for that lure like a Trump Train on full steam, you've seen it before. It could happen at any moment.

But it didn't, so I headed back to the Compound where I discovered CPL's got himself into a nasty little pit of $4.5 million, and all the rest. Don't say MillSoc hubris.

Did you watch Trump in Houston? It was huge. Unprecedented?




  1. Houston loved President Trump. They want to MAGA.

  2. I watched the entire rally. It was yuuuuuuuuuuuuge

    Reliable sources (Houston PD sergeant) said that there was at least 70K peeps who showed up.


    Sorry about the fishing.

    OT - But yuuuuuuuuge news. I finally got a burn permit today so I can start burning all my piles of tree trimmings and such. Excited!

  3. Congrats on the burn, Adrienne!

    I loved Houston and thought Lyin' Ted did alright too.
