Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Geraldo Owned By Angels

Well, well, here's the awesome Geraldo peddling his wares with the Hell's Angels back in the '70s. He was super awesome then, super awesome now. Don't say owned.

But make of it what you will, in the meanwhile, here's a helpful tune.

Alright kids, get behind the movement and exterminate the libs at the polls.

That is all,



  1. Replies
    1. And he's still bouncing around, WSF. I don't get it either.

  2. Replies
    1. Anon, I can't argue with that. Not for a moment.

  3. Geraldo made/makes his living being a "personality". Which means that no talent is required and you get your money for nothing and your chicks for free. Nice work if you can pull it off, I guess.

    Having ridden with a motorcycle gang with two years, I find them sucking up to a reporter to be almost stock in trade. They like the theater or they wouldn't display colors.

  4. From back in the day. Horrendo Revolver.


  5. LL, I thought the Angels came off pretty well against Geraldo but I guess that's not so hard. They pretty much tell it like it is, according to them, and Geraldo? I'd imagine he didn't try his luck in the club house after that performance. Whatev.

    Do you remember when he got banned from covering the war?

  6. Big hairy men on big hairy motorcycles going down fighting! What’s not to like about that? Unless you’re on the receiving end… However, being an angel myself, I’m revered by such brutes.

  7. Juliette, please use your angel power to sort out the appalling "Geraldo."

