Monday, September 3, 2018

You're Fired!

A Roman Catholic priest had the sheer, brazen, outspoken temerity to address the unpleasant fact that senior members of the Church's hierarchy are not only guilty of homosexual malfeasance themselves but worked hard to cover it up. Some say the problem goes all the way to the top.

Whatever, Fr. Juan Carlos Gavancho preached this in Santa Barbara and was promptly fired. Here's a snapshot:

The evil has found in the Church a hold. And it is natural for people to believe that there is nothing else to do in the Catholic Church. Maybe many are thinking of leaving the Church. After the terrible experience of 2002, with the abuses, many people left the Church. Now, another opportunity, many people are going to leave. I hope they don’t do, I tell them that they need to stay, that this is the Church of Christ. But if they do, believe me, I understand. Because it is very bad what we have allowed to take place in the Catholic Church in the world. Because this is not only America. In the world! Everywhere! Chile. Ireland. Australia. Everywhere.

If you are Catholic, and you love the Catholic Church, you cannot just say, “Well, let’s pray, let’s offer a couple of rosaries, and we’ll see what happens.” You cannot do that. You have to pray, but pray for truth. You need to pray so God can act. He has begun to act. Who may think that yesterday, that a former Vatican ambassador from the Holy See to the United States was going to write 10, 11 pages letter saying this — asking for the resignation of a pope?! Who may think that? If you had told me that yesterday morning, I wouldn’t have believed you. But that’s what happened.

So, what are we doing now? Where are we going from here? First of all, we must understand one thing. This Church, the Catholic Church, is the Church of Christ. It is the Bride of Christ. St. Paul is right when he said in the letter to the Ephesians, “He has cleansed the Church with His Cross, with His blood.” She is beautiful. We have betrayed her. This is not an abusive church. This is a holy church that has fallen into the hands of abusive, evil men, who are trying to destroy the Church from within, since they couldn’t do it from the outside throughout the centuries.

Well said that priest. You can read the whole thing at Fr. Z's blog and as you do, reflect on the fact that Fr. Gavancho's been booted from his church and Cardinal Whirl hasn't.

Reasons notwithstanding.

Out Demons Out,



  1. Does this mean that he was fired from the ENTIRE Catholic Church, or just from that diocese - or order? For example, if he was a Jesuit, can he transfer to the Franciscans and keep his compensation package and seniority?

  2. The cancer goes down to the parish level and the laity. There are many "gay friendly" parishes in Manhattan. It is common and accepted.

    Funny how the church would change its theology of sin to justify the behavior of its bishops.

  3. This evil has been around since the Reformation, and before: the Roman Catholic church insists, nay DEMANDS...that young men (and only young men) remain celebate from the time they enter the seminary until they die.

    Young men were not created by God to remain celebate. Just ask any young man. Anywhere. And virtually none do so. Ever. Hence this evil.


    The Catholic church needs yet another Reformation. Badly. Starting with kicking to the curb the entire College of Cardinals, including the Holy Father. They all gotta go.

  4. LL, I think he's been totally canned and, to be fair, it appears there's more to the story than his homily. Still, good sermon.

  5. It is odd, Infidel and a similar thing's played out in Anglicanism, which changed to suit the sexual politics of a king and, in our own day, to justify the antics of a transsexual dancing troupe.

    We obviously need some saints to put things right.

  6. Fredd, in the Eastern church you can get married and become a priest but have to be a celibate religious to become a bishop and that seems to work for them.

    Regardless, it seems like a purge is badly needed, not least in the US.

  7. This seems to be the religious news of the day. As is my habit, I read all the comments at Father Z, also read the Rod Dreher post, including all the comments. It is often the combox where little tidbits of info occur.

    Dreher, Father Z, and many of the commenters that personally know of the situation, all say it was because of his sermon.

    To say the situation is weird would be an understatement, LSP. My spidey sense is quivering so I will abstain from commenting beyond saying that there may be more to this story.

  8. Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. Primitive and bloodthirsty medieval superstition, of course, but one can see where they were coming from.

  9. Yes, it was a good - and timely - sermon. I agree with Fredd, though. The cardinals and the pope need to all go into a retreat somewhere and consider their sins. Replace them with heterosexuals who are allowed to marry and have children. It would be a lot more healthy.

  10. Adrienne, my thoughts entirely.

  11. They certainly had a way with words, Borepatch and weren't shy of the Church Militant. Wasn't it Bishop Odo who rode into action on the 1st Crusade with a battle club? It didn't, ahem, draw blood like a mace or an axe...

  12. I'm no expert, LL, but it seems to me like a purge is order.
