Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Yale Goes Full Rainbow

Yale, once thought of as an ivy-covered hallowed hall of academe has transmorphed into a rainbow riding, PC proving ground. 

Up till now, everyone thought of Harvard as Satan's Vatican but apparently its famous competitor, Yale, is in the running as surveys show that most incoming Yale students are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer, plus.

Some, a tiny 9% minority, report themselves as "somewhat conservative." Apparently they think that biological sex has something to do with gender. Such Nazis.

Approximately 0.06 of adults in the US identify as transgender. Before you laugh out loud at the injustice of it all, ask yourself  what does that make Yale, some kind of freakshow?

And listen up. The same Illuminati, NWO, Globalist goons that are trying to enslave you by shipping your jobs overseas are doing the same by erasing your gender, turning you into a sexless non-person, and all in the name of freedom. That's right, a drone, ready to do its hivemind's bidding.

They never thought she'd lose.



  1. What about the parents? They spawned these misfits and they have enough money to send them to the Vatican for training. There's something fishy going on here.

  2. I'm just getting ready to watch the Google video (as if I needed any further evidence of their sanctimonious commie/marxist/libtard evil bias.)

  3. Decedents of ultra successful capitalists pissing on their heritage. Don't know what that means.

  4. I totally agree, LL. What's going on?!? Weird.

  5. drjim, we dodged a bullet and then some.

  6. A strong stomach's required, Adrienne. Best switch browsers.

  7. Nothing good, WSF, that's for sure. My dad went to Yale, btw, via a full scholarship -- that was back in the 50s, it was a school then, apparently.

  8. Total sigh, NFO -- but the pendulum's gonna swing. Hurry up, please.
