Thursday, September 27, 2018


"This is the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics," erupted Lindsey Graham.

"To my Republican colleagues, if you vote no, you’re legitimizing the most despicable thing I have seen in my time in politics."

No further comment.



  1. Ol' Lindsey just might have made the top of "my favorite senator" list

  2. The invitation is there for the Republicans to follow the Democrats the next time there is a Democrat in power (hopefully never but you know). How will THEY feel then?

    I think that Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed and will be sworn into his position on the Supreme Court, but this process will scar him. How would that play out in the decisions that he reaches? It's difficult to say, but the liberals haven't done anything to woo him to their cause.

  3. And the RINOs that don't vote for him should be voted out immediately. It annoys me to no end that Congress, who serve at the behest of the PEOPLE, can only be removed by their cohorts - except for election days.


  4. this is what happens when a southern gentleman has had enough, I just hope now that his besty McStain has gone to his reward that Lindsey can keep his balls. congeniality only works when all are congenial, when dealing with unscrupulous snakes a sharp blade is needed to cut off the head, for as our Lady has shown the head must be crushed, the writhing and convulsions are only temporary.

    you will love this image, it is true, I can hardly wait

  5. I saw this and was really rather surprised by it. Bravo to Senator Graham for saying what needed saying. I just hope he can continue to act this way.

  6. I have to agree, TC. Well done him.

  7. I'm waiting for the vote, LL and would like to think he's gets it. But the whole thing's a scandal -- I've never witnessed anything quite like it. And yes, the antics of the left certainly won't leave a warm, loving feeling in Kav's heart. To put it mildly.

    Is it just me, or do others feel that Satan's entered into the Dems?

  8. Linda, I totally agree. The RINOs have no excuse.

  9. What an excellent infographic, Egyptian!

    And for sure, now that No Name has gone to his reward, Lindsey seems to have become a better person.

    Good BVM reference. Thanks for that.
