Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Anglican Church Goes Full Green

The leader of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby has launched a bold new initiative to unite the world's third largest denomination against a common enemy, the Weather.

Called the "Season of Creation," Welby's green campaign has solicited "Letters of Creation" from the Communion's leading bishops, asking them to describe the catastrophic effects of global warming and climate change.

Welby has called the battle to stop the weather changing "essential to the life of faith" and an "ethical crisis."

The ethical crisis of climate change is an opportunity to find purpose and joy, and to respond to our Creator’s charge. Reducing the causes of climate change is essential to the life of faith. It is a way to love our neighbour and to steward the gift of creation.

Not to be outdone, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, held a special green worship ritual featuring people on stilts dressed as trees and shirtless liturgical dancers.

The leader of the Episcopal Church, Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry is vocal in his support of Welby's green crusade.

“We can maintain a vigorous and effective commitment, and empower Anglicans everywhere to undertake bold action to mitigate and reverse climate change," stated Curry.

Whether the bold action called for by Curry, Welby and the Ents of San Francisco will be enough to stop the Weather from changing remains to be seen.




  1. Hail, Monsanto. Their stuff turns green to brown in a jiffy.

    I have no problem using Roundup to kill weeds. AFAIK, it is not harmful to us humans.
    However, we have microscopic critters that live in our G.I.T. and who are most benificial, and Roundup can affect them which is not good. I do have a problem when Roundup is used to adjust (lower) the plant moisture content so crops can be harvested sooner.

    Perhaps the folks you mention above could take up this issue for something useful to do, rather than worship Algore's green (golden--for him) calf.

  2. Good point, RHT.

    The problem here is that they're not really interested in helping people but love virtue signalling for cheap votes and feel good factor.

    The laugh's on them when our food supply's destroyed by Monsanto. Who knows, maybe they'll chow down on Soylent Green.

  3. The liturgical interpretive dance is, uh, well, I wouldn't pay good money to see it. Is it designed to hypnotize the week minded and to get them to hand over the contents of their wallets including credit cards? Possibly titles to homes and automobiles too, because that's what the Green movement needs...everything. Once all wealth is redistributed to the satisfaction of your betters, there will come and end to climate change for the first time in the history of the planet.

    T-Rex had arms that were too small to reach his wallet, and we know what happened to those guys. All the liturgical dance on the planet couldn't save them. If they'd paid, who knows how differently things might have turned out?

  4. After fasting 40 days in the desert Jesus said "I am hungry. I want something vegan and gluten free because fasting for 40 days isn't punishment enough."

  5. And you wonder why nobody takes religion seriously anymore
