Saturday, August 11, 2018

Dalek Interlude

I've been in the land of the Houston Dalek, which is always awesome. 

There he is, the Dalek, beaming his beneficent light on the Maseratis, Porsches and McClarens of the Inner Loop. And motorcycles too, which like to race up and down Westheimer like ratcheting hornets. Stay on the bike, kids.

Normal programming to resume shortly.

God bless,



  1. As long as you stay safe!

    Thank you and God bless you all, too.

  2. The Dalek loves his children...which is why he's there. I would have thought that he'd love Austin more, but no, he's in Houston.

  3. I know EXACTLY where you are. There's a motorcycle club (riceburners) that like to go up the ramps of the office parking lot next door, and then down again. Then they cut across the feeder road to the u-turn lane at Westheimer, down the feeder in second gear - maybe 80 MPH at 13k RPM, u turn again at Woodway, then go up the ramps and down again, lather rinse repeat.

  4. I haven't been to Houston in years. I hear it's worse now.

  5. I’ve been feeling an insane enthusiasm for the 720s (McLaren) of late, even more than the P1, oddly, it’s just so great. Alas, they only show up in neighborhoods that are dripping with money so you’re more likely to spot one today. Also, my bike is out of the garage. It’s just the 21st century wanker in me. Keep on truckin’

  6. Btw, speaking of the 21st Century, they say the next Doctor is a “she.” (?)

  7. I was so annoyed when they said the next doctor would be a woman. I hate that they have given in to the PC crowd.
    I knew it was going to happen, though when they had that "recent" episode of Gallifrey and the guard that died regenerated into a woman.
    Really annoyed me. The Doctor should be a man. Plain and simple.
    What next? K-9 for the next Doctor?
    Hubby wants to give it a go, but it will just be wrong, no matter how good the actor.
    All the PC stuff makes me want to puke.

    Sorry for the minor rant, Parson. Have a blessed Sunday, all.

  8. drjim, that's a very good question. He's hid himself, somehow.

  9. Linda, feel free to rant as much as you like! The PC stuff is puke making.

  10. LL, that's perceptive. The Dalek reigns in Houston, perhaps that says something for the Inner Loop? Scary...

  11. JC, I figured that's what was happening and I'm not against it but... so noisy! I guess I should've relocated.

  12. Jim, it's a nightmare of traffic. But the nice parts are, well, nice. Ridic money.

  13. Ah, GL. You MUST get a McLaren.

    I speak for us all.

  14. Any sign of the female Doctor? Cuz gender is fluid you know.

  15. That's most definitely the best bit about it, Infidel, said no one ever, except that they have, insanely.
