Friday, July 13, 2018

The World The Flesh And The Devil or The Faces Of Strzok

Our Holy Mother the Church teaches that we're in the midst of a spiritual battle against evil, against an unholy trinity of the World, the Flesh and the Devil. Is this true? Let's try a simple thought experiment to find out.

Imagine you're a top level FBI agent, charged by the nation to execute justice impartially. But you side with the money, power and vested interests of the World, let's call it the Deep State, and before you know it you're plotting to overthrow an elected President. Sound familiar? 

Now think of all the plotting, scheming and intrigue you're locked into; you need relief, a companion, a soulmate, someone who isn't your wife. And there it is, the Flesh.

Then there's the Devil. But isn't that wicked spirit a figment of overheated medieval imagination? I'd argue that pictures tell a different story. So be on your guard, all three of you readers, against the World, the Flesh and the Devil.

Speaking of which, Rod "Weasel Goblin" Rosenstein's just announced that Russia somehow "hacked" the election. Surely the evil powers we're warned against wouldn't want to derail Trump's meeting with Putin. Or would they.

Out demons, out.



  1. i can still hear my grandmother Bulcher "wipe that smirk off your face before I slap it off for you" what a smug sanctimonious pompous little ass. Honestly looks like he needs an appointment with someones (Trump) knee and a belt. My Dad always said that a man who cheats on his wife cannot be trusted on anything, and he broke off various business dealings over the years because of it and in the end he was usually proven right

  2. That's very good advice, Egyptian.

    Strzok doesn't look too good, does he. Is he possessed by an evil spirit and if so, what does that say about his superiors? Terrifying prospect.
