Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Hijab Barbie

You may know that MATTEL has produced a new hijab wearing Barbie doll to "diversify the Barbie line." The doll's modeled after  an Olympic fencer, Ibtihaj Muhammad. Ibtihaj had this to say.

I love my country, but I don’t recognize it today. Not in the Supreme Court ruling upholding the travel ban. Not in a Supreme Court nominee potentially engineered to undo reproductive choice, access to health care and the Russia investigation. Not in the family separation and detention policy. Not in our move to initiate trade wars and rally against breastfeeding and the World Health Organization. Not in the abandonment of allies and basic decency in how we treat other humans.

Well, well, listen to the hijabi Muslima darting and cutting with her épée. A travel ban that'd stop fanatical Muslim headchopper bombers coming to America? A Supreme Court that might look unfavourably on infanticide? And healthcare. 

The awesome, successful, brilliant, Obamacare scheme to give all the poor people insurance and then fine them if they couldn't pay for it. How very hijab.

Not unlike the inherently fascist plan to treat illegal immigrants as, you know, illegal. And God forbid, a level playing field when it comes to trade. National Socialist or what?

How dare the US trade at a natural advantage against other countries! How NAZI. A bit like breast feeding (? maybe this needs 'honing' -- Ed.), come to think of it.

In the face of this hypocritical, nonsensical, two-bit, dropped-on-head-as-infant cultural Marxist drivel we propose an aggressive policy of Draw-Mo campaigns, where talented artists draw the likeness of the Great Prophet. Then, when followers of the Prophet come out of the woodwork we...

Get all hijab. After all, it's a symbol of freedom and feminine empowerment.

Aloha Snackbar,



  1. The hijab is a symbol of female subservience. What mother wouldn't want to raise her daughter with a hijab barbie as an example of what she has to look forward to? If you made it with a Rosie O'Donnell face, it would be better...more Islamic.

  2. First of all, as I've said before, the Barbie is one of the ugliest dolls ever made. It's creepy and no daughter of mine would have ever had one. That being said, this whole diversity clap trap is just that - clap trap.

  3. LL, the mind reels. A ROSIE FACE.

    That's a very terrible thing.

  4. You make an excellent point, Adrienne.

    Still, the Diversity Barbie against the blatant fascism of a country having a border and women breast feeding babies(?!?).

    Would Diversity Barbie be even more powerful if it had a ROSIE face?


  5. Would Diversity Barbie be even more powerful if it had a ROSIE face?

    only if it can with the beheading set included
