Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy 4th! Civil War Special

Here at the Compound we're wishing everyone a happy 4th of July, even as the Second Civil War rages around us. 

Pause for a moment in your celebrations to reflect on the pain, agony and grief of the conflict as revealed in this short selection of letters from the front.

Yes, war is hell. Don't forget to raise a glass to our heroes while BBQ sizzles on the grill.




  1. Yes, and California wants to mimic the Southern States and secede from the Union.

    They don't read history so they don't understand that President Trump would send in federal troops, would disband the state government and would install a conservative government to oversee things while the insurrection is underway. In General Mathis' 'march to the sea', San Francisco would be laid waste and its illegal aliens would be bussed down to the big beautiful door in the big beautiful wall and dropped on the other side.

    1. LL, you're saying we should BUILD THE WALL?

      Yes, please.

  2. I read some of them yesterday, fresh off the press, as it were. Seemed pretty heavy with libtards, except for a lone, hilarious post by IowaHawk. Just like last time, their heads are filled with daydreams of easy victory.

    1. I think the thread's been captured Mattexian.

      Happy 4th!

  3. Heh, not far from the truth that will occur...

  4. Looks like I'm late to this post. I've been busy running the grill. Love those letters. Thanks for the chuckle.

    1. I've been tending the gill too, Jim.

      We must all make sacrifices in time of war.

  5. Perverse soul I am, enjoyed the videos of the Antifa getting their asses kicked in Portland.

  6. The Second Civil war. I'm not looking forward to it as it will destroy everyone's prosperity.

    Speaking of prosperity I spent July 4th in the most American way possible: Making money with 13 hours overtime.

    God bless America! (And the Australians. They like us so I hear.) But the rest of the world can go to hell.
