Sunday, July 29, 2018

Fish in the Heat of the Day

Fishing at 2 pm at the end of July in Texas doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I admit it, the fish are pretty much stunned by the heat and not biting. But I was in it for the challenge.

Sure enough, it was pretty slow going. Still, after a few minutes there was a tug on the line and out came a medium Perch, too big to use as Striper bait but a catch nonetheless. After that?

Not much until a Black Drum decided to attack the line, a fierce little beast and followed up by another, larger cousin. 

Good action, all things considered, and then the water grew quiet in the heat haze, with the exception of  a mighty Perch which I used as bait for the ferocious Striper. 

They weren't having it, so I packed up and headed for home before the air caught fire, noting a curious message on the way.

Fish on,



  1. Congratulations! Sounds like a good day, all things considered. :)

  2. Why not wet a line after delivering a mighty sermon?

  3. Linda, by some weird charism I caught fish...

  4. That, LL, is an excellent point.


  5. The mouth of a black drum looks disturbing like John Podesta's mouth. Maybe that's because he's invested so much of himself to worship Baal?

  6. FYI:

  7. They can't be Christians or they would know that Jesus ate fish...

  8. LL, RHSM, that is a truly disturbing image.

    We're up against evil, pure and simple.

  9. What a fortuitous link, Adrienne!

    Thanks for that.

    Good work, vegans.

  10. Linda, as always, you make an excellent point.

  11. BRig, I nearly melted but... rose to the challenge and CAUGHT FISH.
