Saturday, June 2, 2018

Sorry, No Wommyn, No Liturgical Dance

Our Bishop visits the Missions tomorrow.

Normally, as Anglo-Catholic Anglicans, we'd be dismayed.

But not this time, this bishop is a Christian and a successor of the Apostles.

There will be no wommyn at the Altar and no liturgical dance. And there'll only be two genders, shockingly.

And that's just the way it is.

Sorry to disappoint you, 



  1. Liturgical Dance. Yep. Pretty much the death of Mass for me.

    That and altar-people dressed like monks rather than properly in the correct vestments.


    There should be at least some mysteries left in the Church.

  2. His appearance will mystify the lesbians and Baal worshipers. I hope he calls the wicked to repentance - which is available to all who repent. No more liturgical dance, and no more black candles, though.

    1. Good point, LL, he did make a call for repentance.

      The servants of Baal and their dancing wommyn are against that.

  3. I hope all goes well for his trip!
    Everything else is as it should be. Thank God.

    You all have a blessed week and goid fishing to you, Parson.

  4. Hahahahaha! Just read my comment. o.0

    I meant good fishing to you. :)

  5. Infidel, the best thing about liturgical dance is its awesomeness. It's not allowed in the Missions.

  6. Thanks, Linda! Must get on those Gar...
