Sunday, June 10, 2018

Catholic Restoration

Via Adrienne: Wake up and reclaim your culture.

Say Charles Martell.

Deus Vult,



  1. Anything that leads people closer to Jesus Christ and brings their conduct in line with his teachings is a good thing. Anything that goes in the other direction is not. Anything that supports the sanctity of marriage and the cohesion of the family is good. Anything that breaks it apart is bad.

    It's not all that difficult to tell good from evil, unless you're a professor at Harvard or Yale, or (shiver) Berkeley. Satan's Vatican has a different tune and works hard to muddy the waters in the same way that the priests of Baal or Mephistopheles (same thing, different wrapper) did in times past. Wicked priests from those days have been replaced by lawyers in our day, who connive and scheme - not unlike the Sanhedrin in the days of Christ.

    The US education system works hard to convince the youth that there is no good, and that wickedness will lead to happiness. It can't, but they are people who live by the lie.

  2. As long as this means death to all who dance liturgically I'm all in.

  3. Excluding Clown Church though, eh Larry ;)

  4. More fish stuff for you, LSP

  5. There's a surprisingly large number of Clowns in the Church, Juliette. Some of them are bishops.

  6. Nothing quite like a good bout of liturgical dance to move the spirit, Infidel!

  7. Well said, LL. Excellent homily.

    And it's weird, Satan's Harvard punditry scratches its collective in wonder when people start behaving badly after being taught there's no such thing as right and wrong.

    People of the Lie.

  8. I have longed to visit Chartres for years, mainly because it is the single most perfect example of architecture on the planet. And also because God lives there.

  9. Well said, GL, and I found that video moving.
