Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Welby's Fish Rig

Reactions to the recent Royal Wedding have been mixed. Here at the Compound we liked the pomp and pageantry, questioned Michael Curry's role as comedy minstrel revival preacher and came to a juddering stop at the sight of Welby's vestments.

Back of the Fish Rig

Archbishop Justin Welby tipped up at the wedding in his famous Fish Rig, a golden cope and mitre emblazoned with pastel green fish appliques. One of the very few people who read this mind blog was moved to comment:

Welby in Full Rig

I watched a bit of the goings on and was struck by the fact that Welby's vestments seemed to have been designed by an aged, new-age, lesbian hippie in between her bouts of polishing crystals and smoking weed; all of which was to be expected from His Alien-ness.

Does that sound harsh? Here's a close up of Welby's Rig, to help you decide.

Back of the Rig

What's best about Justsin's Fish Rig? The pale green fish appliques, commonly known as the "Anglican Dolphins'? The how very nautical silver ropes surrounding the fish or the firelike fronds of aquatic weed within which the three dolphins chase each other? 

You be the judge,



  1. I would have thought, as a fisherman, you'd be in favour of this getup!

  2. That's a very good point, Jules, and I do like to fish. But what's best, the nautical silver ropes,the firelike weed or the dolphins themselves?

  3. What would Jesus do?

    Is that the kind of clown costume that Christ would have worn to officiate at a wedding, which is a holy and sacred moment where a MAN and a WOMAN stand before God to make sacred covenants.

    Welby is a sad joke. We all know that. He played the organ grinder to the entertaining side show minstrel. It was more suited to a snake oil sales event than a wedding.

  4. A most curious set of regalia. Still remembering Bishop Curry, note Luke, Chapter 9 49-50, before being too negative about his preaching and its affects. Rather it's a constructive base - though perhaps the oft-quoted transformational love could be extended to applying the Bible and granting back the traditionalists their status and all that has been taken from them as defenders of Biblical truths. The ultimate fate of Ananias in Acts of the Apostles should be a sound warning to those institutions who misuse the assets of the faithful

    Nothing Archbishop Welby did at the service has been of the slightest interest in Britain But the effect overall in Britain by Curry's sermon has been at least to put an injection of religion into the public discourse (there has been no `discussion of clerical splits in the USA so no-one would understand it). This, in a way can only be a good thing, since the last royal wedding like this only occasioned discussions on social media of the back side of the heir to the throne's sister in law (satirised as the 'War of Pippa's bum' by the late Colin Bennett)

  5. A most curious set of regalia. Still remembering Bishop Curry, note Luke, Chapter 9 49-50, before being too negative about his preaching and its affects. Rather it's a constructive base - though perhaps the oft-quoted transformational love could be extended to applying the Bible and granting back the traditionalists their status and all that has been taken from them as defenders of Biblical truths. The ultimate fate of Ananias in Acts of the Apostles should be a sound warning to those institutions who misuse the assets of the faithful.

    Nothing Archbishop Welby did at the service has been of the slightest interest in Britain But the effect overall in Britain by Curry's sermon has been at least to put an injection of religion into the public discourse (there has been no `discussion of clerical splits in the USA so no-one would understand it). This, in a way can only be a good thing, since the last royal wedding like this only occasioned discussions on social media of the back side of the heir to the throne's sister in law (satirised as the 'War of Pippa's bum' by the late Colin Bennett).

  6. LL, I'd have a lot more time for Welby & Curry if they'd stand up and say rainbow riding was wrong. But they won't, which puts them in the tricky position of saying the Bible's wrong, the Tradition of the Church is wrong and, ultimately, Christ is wrong. The same holds true for wommyn clergy. And where does this leave Christ's divinity? Nowhere, much.

    No wonder that the denominations they represent are in bad decline. They've lost the Faith.

  7. Good point, Alan, but don't forget Matthew 24:24. Remember, it's Curry who's in charge of the apostate TEC. Can God bring work providentially through that? For sure and doubtless has.

    Still, I find the trans sex rainbow rider advocate hard to listen to when dressed up as a comedy Baptist revival preacher. I mean to say, "Come to the mercy seat and celebrate your passing form man to woman in the name of Jeezus and his mighty lurrve! Praise Jeezus. Amen?"

    What. A. Fraud.

    Welby, of course, is a different matter.
