Monday, April 23, 2018


America loves a superhereo and here at the Compound we're no exception. Enter Wall Might, battling against the Shadow Government and Swamp Creatures, with the help of E Pluribus Unum, his power source.

Now in its third printing, My Hero Magademia is:

America's champion, and the Shadow Government and Swamp Creatures aren't happy about it! They are unleashing a relentless barrage of attacks on those they've dubbed 'The Deplorables', men and women who tap into and grant Wall Might his power. 

Up-and-coming young hero Maiku wants nothing more than to defend his homeland from the forces both assaulting it from outside and poisoning it from within. An unexpected invitation from his hero puts young Maiku in a trial by fire adventure as the Swamp Creatures lay siege to the highest office in the land.

With Wall Might's guidance and a sample of his power source, the E Pluribus Unum, Maiku-kun will find the strength to fight... AND TO WIN!

My Hero Magademia comes from the creators of the hit graphic novel, Thump The First Bundred Days. 

Thump had stellar reviews,  "Deplorable, but adorable. I love these drawings and believe that every true Trumper should have one on their coffee table to confound whatever liberal friends they have left," Chuck Dixon. 

You can buy My Hero Megademia here and Thump here.




  1. That's some accurate reporting of the facts that you rarely see in the news.

  2. We're all about that, LL. Just reporting the facts.
