Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Awesomness Of Houston

One of the best things about Houston is its awesome Dalek. Conveniently situated in Uptown, the mythic Dalek shines its protective light upon the citizens of its city. We welcomed that on our way to the rodeo.

Good work, Houston Livestock Show and I tell you, rodeo's exciting, skilled, patriotic, wholesome, and all 'round uplifting. Just watching the horsemanship of the pickup riders was a boost, to say nothing of the competitors.

What's the best thing about rodeo? That's hard to say because so many things are good about it, but I like the hi-octane adrenaline . Man and beast going at it fast and if you're a bull, furiously. Were there any progleft, libshill, comsymp globalists in the stadium? If there were, I didn't see any and that's good too.

Then there's the carnival. That's a big deal too and I checked out a deep fried Oreo for the first time only to discover that it's essentially an Oreo cookie in a donut. Neat, but not that exciting, unlike the Slingshot ride, which was top level fun.

What happens is this. A couple of bullethead fairground Serbs stand on a metal platform, dancing to rap music in the disco light of the ride. They wear white shirts, their uniform, and beckon you onto the platform. "Don't fear kebab," they tell you as you're harnessed into the round cage of the mighty Slingshot.

Then the Slingshot hurls you into the air and you hang there, far, far above the fairground while the cage slowly rotates until you're looking down in wonder at the minuscule carnies. You hurtle down, only to be shot back up so you can do it all over again. This happens several times in the ten seconds of forever. Result, I want a Slingshot.

Rides and rodeo over, we headed back to base and the security of the Dalek, a great time had by all. Houston, you proved your awesomeness yet again, well done.

God bless,



  1. World Champion Nellie Williams Miller a N Cal local won the barrel racing at the Houston Rodeo! Yay Nellie & her horse Sister.

    1. I like watching the barrels a lot, Brig. They're fun to run, too!

  2. I'm glad that you didn't barf in the slingshot cage. That would not have been a good thing. How did the cadet do? You could have characterized that as pilot training.

    1. Great fun, LL, and no... ahem. The cadet loved it and went on to do the bungee jump. Pilot training followed by airborne?

  3. You could not pay me to ride a Slingshot.

    Glad you are back safe on the ground, Parson. You all have a blessed week!

  4. I do miss the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. We went every year for 17 years.

    The other one I miss is the Prison Rodeo in Huntsville which, alas and alack, is no more. When a guys doing life with no parole his getting crazy with a bull or two is no big deal.

  5. It's been years since I was last through Houston. The one thing that's stuck in my mind about the place is the traffic. It seemed that rush hour never ended.

  6. There's still a herd at Hunstville, Adrienne, and it seemed quite large from the highway. I don't know if the prisoners work it.

    Speaking of highway, I45 heading north is a nightmare, 3 lanes funneling down to one... have to find a different route.

  7. Jim, I have to agree, the traffic there is appalling and crazy. Neat rodeo though.
