Saturday, March 31, 2018

More Good Friday

We were relaxing on the compound's porch after the second liturgy of the day when a dog turned up, stumbling over her legs and acting pretty much like a puppy.

Long story short, the dog stayed. She's called called Good Friday or Friday for short and gets on well with Blue Alpha. They guard the compound as a canine team.

Where did Friday come from? Good question and I'm guessing some dreamers let her loose when the meth lab blew up or maybe Camera Hogg scared her into the compound's safe space, who knows.

Regardless, we're not complaining. The cadet's announced, "Blue's your dog, Friday's my dog," and that's fine by me, they're good for each other.

Friday's playing on the porch now with a piece of knotted rope while Blue Pack Leader casts a watchful eye. It's apparent that the compound has become a dog sanctuary, to the confutation of liberals, gun haters, globalists and NWO Illuminati shills everywhere.

God bless,



  1. Blue Destroyer feels that he's sufficient to guard the compound but you've always needed a full PACK of K-9's to handle the work. Friday simply helps fill the levy.

  2. Well, thank goodness we don't have to waste a bunch of time convincing you to keep Friday Easter Bunny in Disguise like we had to do with Blue Intruder. He's a very handsome pup.

    Happy Easter, LSP

    P.S. I nailed the vigil service timing. It ended at exactly midnight.

  3. Sheltering the wanderers is surely part of your job.
    Happy Easter Padre.

  4. LL, Friday's an Airedale Terrier, a WAR DOG.

  5. And with thy spirit, Borepatch! (cum spiritu tuo)

  6. Happy Easter, Brig, from the dog compound...

  7. Do we have an update on Friday? Or are you waiting for Friday to comment on Friday?

    Friday is officially Freya's Day. But since an Airdale is not a Norse dog...I won't belabor the point...whatever that point may be.
