Friday, March 2, 2018


There's a lot of leftist hysteria right now about guns. They want to disarm everyone and replace them with the products of their beta cuck soy boy utopia. 

Borepatch has this to say, proposing a gun rights mind virus:

You meet different sorts of people who advocate for gun control. Some of them are hard core control freaks who just want to crush flyover country, but if you're like me you don't run across them very often. Mostly you run across people who aren't shooters or gun owners, who haven't thought about the issue very much, but who are disturbed about the constant media drumbeat about shootings and who just want to "do something".
We need these people on our side, or at least standing on the sidelines. How do we separate them from the gun control pack.
My last post was how I approach this: I'm not opposed to gun control, I'm opposed to stupid and useless gun control. This is a mind virus that I'm trying to infect them with. I want to sow seeds of doubt in their minds to get them out of the gun controller's camp and onto the sidelines. Hopefully (if the virus really takes) it will begin the process where they actually start to think about things and they may even end up on our side.
It's a battle for the (very large) middle ground. In the long run, we're not viable without it.
My experience has been pretty good with this. Most of these folks are decent people. They want to be fair, and they know that they don't know much about this topic. My mind virus is a challenge to them - is what you're proposing dumb? Will it work? Is it fair? Nobody wants to be dumb, or unfair.
This is especially true with the sentence that has had more impact than any other I've used with folks like this. When they say (and they will say it) "But we have to do something", I reply:
Quite frankly, our choice is to build bunkers or to convince the middle. Building bunkers makes us look like the dumb (and dangerous) ones.
Yes, the people at the heart of the gun control battle are, well, evil. No getting past that. But we don't win without the vast middle. We don't win by starting from "Gun controllers are evil" (they are wishy-washy gun controllers after all). We don't win from "Molon Labe, bitches!" (this seems to make people nervous.
We win from a mind virus that starts to get them to ask themselves the right questions. Truth is on our side; we can lead others to truth if we want.
Do you want to do something stupid and useless? That doesn't sound right.

Well said that man. 



  1. Maybe the notion that the US should sell California to Mexico isn't as farfetched as it seems. With Mexican law in place there wouldn't be any more gun crime in California than there is in Mexico, where firearms ownership is illegal.

    Since Mexico can't afford to buy California, I'm sure that the US would take payments. Clearly, the number of Mexicans in some cities couldn't be MORE Mexican because many are at 100% now.

    That would handle the progressives and their gun policies in California anyway.

  2. LL, that's a very sound scheme. California wants to be Mexican and doesn't want to be part of the Union. Trump's "not their president." There's a problem here and you've solved it, sell California to Mexico on a note, at interest.

    The interest will pay for THE WALL.

  3. Sure thing, Borepatch. Thanks for the post.
