Sunday, February 18, 2018

Justin Trudeau's Remarkably Gay Socks


Canada's winsome Premiere, Justin Trudeau, is rightly renowned for his remarkably gay socks, so it came as no surprise to see him sporting a pair of Darth Vaders in India.

The wacky Vaders came out after Trudeau was left waiting on the tarmac for Indian Prime Minister Modi, who sent an underling to greet the Canadian supremo.

Trudeau, who is an enthusiastic advocate of gay sex, is well known for his his love of Star Wars themed socks, such as the witty "Droid."

Will his playfully gay socks walk back Modi's snub and reverse Canada's status from Gujerat vassal to sovereign nation?

Don't say Vimy Ridge,



  1. Not only are his socks remarkably gay, but so is he. Creepy dude!

  2. He's gay as Barack. Which means that while he's the shot caller, nobody will respect Canada. He needs a painting of him sitting in a chair in a field of kudzu - which makes him gayer than he is.

  3. please,no more of the canuk kid, waiting for Melania Monday, I need a boost, how about her in that white dress, a nurse from heaven I do believe

  4. What a nit wit! His father was unstable and his mother mad so it’s no wonder!

  5. Brig, a lot of Canadians aren't too happy with their Prime Beta. And who can blame them?

  6. His kids look alright, Adrienne; I put that down to their mother.

  7. LL, I don't know why but I just pictured Mitchel, sorry, Michelle, dancing with Ellen.

    Disturbing, eh?

  8. I understand, Egyptian. Posted.
