Monday, February 12, 2018

Get On Parade!

Everyone loves a military parade, unless Trump's proposed it and you're a deranged leftist politician or a member of the millionaire socialist media. Then you hate parades with a kind of deranged frenzy.

“We would go to Washington, D.C., if such a crazy and insane act occurred and we would lay down in front of the tanks, just like the heroes and the courageous students did in China in 1989,” wailed Green Party senatorial hopeful, Arn Menconi. And here's the New York Daily News in the form of Richard Cohen.

He does not so much envision an army at quickstep, but himself reviewing it. It is this that so offends — the American military as a Trump prop, its heroes, its wounded and its dead drafted to serve the needs of a squalid ego, and its somber tradition of martial modesty turned to bling by the vainglorious President. The appropriate date for such garishness is Trump’s own birthday — the former Flag Day, the future Trump Day, and, to some of us, the new Halloween.

Halloween, or the Devil Rides Out? It seems the News and Cohen don't like President Trump and you have to wonder if they're very much in favor of the military. They're not, certainly to the extent of supporting an actual parade honoring the services. But the veil drops at the New York Times, which leads with this.

Tanks, jets and other killing machines painted olive-drab and tan could be rolling the routes of the nation’s capital later this year for a peacetime parade inspired by President Trump.

There you have it, the gloves are off. The military is a despised "killing machine" and no amount of hysteria is unjustified when it comes to an event which honors and celebrates its values and tradition. The left hates all of that with a vengeance and rightly so, it stands for everything they're against.

On the other hand, the American military is the most popular institution in the country, as opposed to Congress, the Senate and their friends in the media.

President Trump's parade, if it happens, may well strike a chord.

As in open order, right dress.



  1. The only "Killing Machine" the left approves of is Planned Parenthood.....

    1. And what a machine it is, drjim. Moloch's army.

  2. Lying down in front of tanks usually doesn't end well. I would have go so far as to say it shows a complete lack of Prudence.

    That being said - I love a good parade!

    1. Excellent Shrove Tuesday virtue point Adrienne!

      I'm looking forward to the parade.

  3. DRJIM nails it (above). The slaughter of children for fun AND profit is so much more politically correct than the military is.

  4. Padre, I've directed a Conservative train friend of mine from Washinton State to your Blog. Name is Carlton. I'm sure you will make him feel welcome.

    1. For sure, lukeya. Hope all's well in the world of trains.

  5. What is a train friend? (above) Is there a vowel too many there? Just being vigilant.

    There's always someone who "Rains On The Parade" isn't there...

  6. Juliette, lukeya is a trains specialist. We'll have to meet up for a drink and a laugh. Perhaps in London later this year.

    Over the rainbow.

    1. And I forget to say, Jules... naughty, naughty, very, very...

  7. The last Commander in Chief obviously despised the military, so apparent in the goofy way he saluted them...

  8. drjim has it for best comment!

  9. I definitely meant trains as in railroads...not anything else you might imagine!!! Carlton's a very decent guy. Shares your outlook.
