Saturday, November 25, 2017

Vivo Cristo Rey!

We celebrate the Feast of Christ the King tomorrow. Sorry, Puritans, there's a lot of feasting in the Church and this puts me in mind of Fr. Miguel Pro.

Fr. Miguel was martyred in Mexico during the suppression of the Church, stretching out his arms as if crucified before his firing squad and exclaiming, "Vivo Cristo Rey!" Long live Christ the King. Before that, this happened:

“[T]he policeman…turned, and with tears in his eyes, begged Father Pro to forgive him for leading him to his death. Miguel put his arm about the shoulders of the shaking man and told him, “You have not only my forgiveness but my thanks.” He also softly told the members of the firing squad, ‘May God forgive you all.’”

I'm inspired by that and I hope you are too. Remember, the gates of Hell shall not prevail.

God bless,



  1. Some of the martyrs worked hard for martyrdom. That always bothered me.

    When in the Middle East, killing people (for a living) for Uncle Sam, I had aloha snackbar types do much the same - "Martyr me so i can collect my 70 black-eyed virgins" - DOUBLE TAP.

    I'm a giver, what can I say? They want it, I call up a B-52 and tell the air crew, "I'm lazing, send it." ARC LIGHT. I did my part to keep Satan occupied with all of the new souls heading down for torment so that God could concentrate on more important matters.

    With all the feasting that goes on, you may need to adopt more of the Cowboy Church format where you're BBQing a hawg or a whole cow for the congregation there in the background while you're giving them all a healthy dose of fire and brimstone. (( Don't forget that it's not just the beef, the sides count too...especially if you're going to call it a feast.

    However, going to Monte's for a large Mexican dinner right after the service works too. The fire and brimstone comes from the salsa.

  2. ah, the things done in the name of religion...

  3. LL, that's a very powerful comment and in the absence of ARC LIGHT, how about some DrawMo competitions. Draw 'em in and hose 'em down? Seemed to work in Texas. And excellent link, to say nothing of Montes. Saying that, I think I prefer Karen's Bean & Brisket, but that's just me.

    Fr. Por? Definitely not in it for the houris.

  4. All kinds of terrible stuff, Brig. And it's especially bad if the religion that's outwardly professed is good. Makes you wonder who their real God is. Miguel worshiped the right one, I'l warrant!

  5. I preached it this morning, Adrienne. Moving stuff.

  6. Reminds me I'm due for a re-read of "The Power and the Glory" by Graham Greene.

  7. Fortunately this hasn't happened in America. Yet.

    But I wouldn't rule it out. The State is a jealous god and you shall have no other god but the State.
