Thursday, November 23, 2017

Let's Wreck The After-Party

Sorry to ruin your after dinner brandies but top Democrat, Senator Al Franken, has been accused of inappropriate behaviour, preying like an oversexed beast on any unfortunate women that came within groping distance of the lecherous liberal.


“My immediate reaction was disgust,” said one woman after being manhandled by Franken. “But my secondary reaction was disappointment. I was excited to be there and to meet him. And so to have that happen really deflated me. It felt like: ‘Is this really the person who is going to be in a position of power to represent our community?’”

Apparently in Minnesota it is.


Good luck with that, Gopher State. Please someone, anyone, remove the weirdly creepy Senator Franken from his position of power.


Franken, who used to be a comedian for SNL, is a socialist millionaire. His net worth is an estimated $9 million. Good money if you can make it, comrade. 

The Most Hilarious Comedian Ever, David "So Funny It Hurts" Letterman

Then there's the most hilarious, brilliant, not overpaid for a second comedian, David "Split Your Sides Laughing" Letterman. That comedic contemptible shill MillSoc genius has a net worth of $400 million, look it up. At least it's not a Senator.

Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving.

Power to the the People,



  1. I hope that the millionaire socialist shills all choke on their stuffing.

  2. Comrade when members of the Party are accused of wrongdoing we investigate these allegations thoroughly.

    Then we find them innocent. Because war on women you know. We can't let those women-hating Republicans win!

    1. Comrade Infidel, the War On Women is a most serious threat to human dignity.

      Ask Hillary, ask Yoko, ask Madonna, Katy Perry, Chelsea Handler or Lena Dunham. Ask ANY ONE of our MillSoc rulers.

      They'll tell you.

  3. I find it 'funny' if you will, to watch the Dems squirming, along with the Hollywierd elites... Hoist on their own petard, as it were!
