Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Melania Mondays! Even Though it's Tuesday

It's never too late for Melania Mondays!, which is why we're bringing you this special miracle edition on the life of America's popular and glamorous First Lady.

Melania is known for her love of children and wasted no time visiting the Bambino Gesu hospital in Rome after her May audience with Pope Francis. Before entering the hospital she took time to pray before a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

She then visited with the children, asking one little Greek boy in ICU if he would like her to pray for him. The boy accepted and the First Lady prayed for miraculous healing; the child desperately needed a heart donor.

After visiting, Melania stopped at the hospital chapel and made her devotions before leaving. A few hours later, on arriving in Belgium, she discovered that a donor had been found.

“Upon landing in Belgium, I learned a young boy and his family who had been waiting for a heart transplant was informed that the hospital has found a donor.I read a book and held hands with this special little one just a few hours ago, and now my own heart is filled with joy over this news.”

A miracle? I should say so. 

Don't underestimate the power of prayer and as always, thank you Melania for bringing hope and love to children and doing your part to make America great again.

Salve Regina,



  1. Melania is an inspiration to us all.

    1. Oh yes, LL. And let's not forget the alternative.

  2. Well, that's just proper lovely, that is, and all done in a stylish black coat dress and killer heels. Go Melly T.

    1. Juliette, the heels are key. Well done, Melania!

  3. A finally a First Lady we can be proud of.
