Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Coyote Moon

We hunkered down quietly at a clear point in the brush and listened to the Texan dusk. No cars, trains or people, just the undulating sound of locusts, crickets and cicadas gradually filling the soon to be night air. And there it was, the first howl.

No, not the fearsome White Wolf but its prey, a coyote. The howl was joined by a chorus of other howls, yips and barks; an eerie, unearthly, wild sound as the pack went into action in the nearby woods.

A White Wolf

In the absence of wolves, so the experts tell us, coyotes have multiplied beyond reason and become a menace, like laws on a DC statute book. Some people, especially in greater Los Angeles, foolishly feed them and then wonder in baffled consternation when the hungry creatures make off with their children.

Get A New Shotgun LSP

Here in Texas that doesn't happen and people hunt them but we were just in it for the sound of the wild dogs baying at the moon. Still, I had a shotgun close to hand in case a target of opportunity presented itself.

After a time the howls quieted down and the coyotes moved off. We did too, through the thick brush, heading for the truck and burgers at the Compound.

It's good to get out for an armed stroll in the country air as the moon rises, and the dogs remind you that the wilderness isn't that far away.

God bless,



  1. Maybe they'll reintroduce wolves into the wild in TX the way that they have in Arizona? If so, it would be a return to the balance of nature - but I expect that the cattlemen would object. There are still cows in Texas for now - but should Austin expand to fill the state, they'd be tofu herds.

    Which reminds me that I'm hungry for one of Karen's brisket burritos.

  2. I'm not a fan of the cat murdering coyote bastards. We used to have them around here and then they just seemed to go away. I had to have my kittehs trained to come in before dark. Now my Erica kitteh can sleep on the deck if she wishes and I don't worry.

  3. LL, KBBs are key! (Blue Eschaton agress) Swing by for Striper, Karen's and an armed stroll anytime.

  4. They're a right menace, Adrienne, and well out of control here. Fair game, I'd say. Keep those kittehs safe...
