Sunday, September 24, 2017

Baller Genius

Obviously Clever

You'll note, all three of you that follow this mind blog, that the libs have pulled out their intellectual heavyweights in the moral crusade against President Trump. That's right, "ballers."

The millionaire socialist geniuses in the balling fraternity don't like MAGA. In fact they don't like America at all, even though it pays them millions of dollars. They scorn that.

Smart Squad

But we'll resist the the temptation to profile these hypocritical delta-minus-millionaire-commie-semi-morons.

The Genius of LeBron

Readers, all four of you, gloss over the fact that LeBron James gets paid over $36 million and Colin Kaepernick has a net worth of something like $22 million. 

Maybe they hate their country because it doesn't pay them enough. Or maybe they hate it because they're so smart.

Clever As Clever Does

Smart, like Madonna and her Old Witch, Hillary.

Typical Millionaire Baller Socialists

Here's a thought. Boycott the NFL, and Madonna. As you do, reflect on the old adage, "There's nothing the millionaire socialist likes worse than being hit in the purse."

Ad Astra,



  1. Those negro millionaire football players sure are oppressed. Maybe firing them would set them free?

    1. That's a very good point, LL. They're obviously oppressed by all that excess cash.

      It needs to be redistributed. I can think of several worthy recipients.

  2. The only sport that gets my money is fishing. And not the professional fishermen.
    And now you have the owners supporting it.
    And all the people who want to see a football game, no matter what.
    A sad state of affairs all around.

    1. I'm with you, Linda, though I'd add shooting and riding.

      Sadly my budget doesn't cover that as well as I'd like!

  3. Contemptuous pack of maroons. Maybe all those peeps who just sit around and eat football food will get off their duffs and actually do something - you know, like ride a bike, go for a walk, play tennis, or go fishing. We can hope.

    1. Adrienne, we look at Capernick and LeBron and think "smart."

      For goodness sake...

  4. If the NFL players want to take a knee why don't they take a knee to protest domestic violence since most of them seem to get their jollies from beating the crap out of their wives.

    1. Infidel! I'm shocked.

      Report yoirself for racism and binary gender stereotyping.

  5. Parson, any one of them could gift us just a hundred thousand, and we'd be set, wouldn't we?

    Sad they are so ungrateful.

  6. Sack 'em and kick 'em out. DISGRACEFUL. But don't send them here. The place is way too busy. North Korea is nice...

    1. Juliette, imagine if Millwall FC pulled a stunt like that... explosive.

  7. Hey wait a minute. How did you get three people following your blog? Damn that's two more than me!

    1. It must have been some weird fluke, Infidel.

      Weird, eh?

  8. Sheriff Clarke is a wise and just man.

    NONE of the NFL morons are worthy of carrying his water.....
