Friday, August 4, 2017

Country Life In Texas

Country life in Texas is usually, for me, all about shooting, riding, fishing and a bit of hunting but this summer's been different.

It's been about getting a young 'un enrolled in High School, into the football team and its preseason workouts, getting his vaccinations up to date, finding employment for the fellow, you can't be hanging around here all day in bed and if you do you've got another think coming type of thing.

And generally readjusting to being a full-time parent again after many years. To say nothing of recovering from a rib injury, which puts a damper on the sporting life. 

So there's not been much getting out in the field, apart from walking Blue Aggressor through packs of stray dogs to the local pick 'n steal, but that's not to say the operation has ground to a halt, far from it. Also, one of the Missions was dealt a bad blow in the sudden loss of its Senior Warden, a fine Christian lady. May she rest in peace. 

And there you have it, a fascinating snapshot into the vagaries of LSPland and I tell you this. I'd rather be wrangling with all of it in the country than in one of our dismally failed, social experiment urban hellholes.

I file this exciting report under Country Life In Texas. 

God bless you and God bless Texas,



  1. How did you bust a rib? Last time it happened to me it was hitting a Kerb during a free and fair exchange of views with three Pikeys in a street brawl. I hope your on the mend. Any chance of Sandhurst for the mini-LSP?

  2. I haven't ridden a horse since I was about 10 years old.

    Hopefully that will change once we get settled in Colorado!

  3. Thank you, Parson. I hope you all have a safe, blessed weekend. Heal quickly!

  4. I'm glad that you're holding firm and keeping up the good fight.

    Being a parent to a teenager isn't easy.

  5. Horses don't leave nearly the carbon footprint that a 500cc dirt bike does. Are you going green on us, Reverend?

  6. A young man couldn't ask for a better roll model than you, LSP. Lucky kid!

  7. I took a tumble, Anonymous! And, of course, we don't bounce the way we used to, but it's on the mend, thank God. I'd love to see the kid at Sandhurst but let's see if he can graduate from High School first... and stay out of football injury hospital. Hmmmmm.

  8. Get in the saddle, drjim! But don't fall off...

  9. Thanks, Linda! God bless you.

  10. LL, it's a bit like watching a toddler mess about with hand grenades.

  11. Fredd, you've got me bang to rights! But don't worry, I'm not about to move to Austin.

  12. You're very kind, Adrienne! I'll do my best...

  13. Speaking from a dismally failed, urban experiment socialist hellhole sounds like you got the better of the deal.
