Tuesday, July 25, 2017


While traditional Roman Catholics are dismayed, others rejoice at Pope Francis' recent trans turn 'round. Via Ignatius:

In a brilliant move which has effectively out-manoeuvred his traditionalist critics Pope Francis has leapt ahead of developments in all but the most advanced Western countries, and given all Catholics the right to determine their own sex. In an interview in the Die Presse, speaking on behalf of Pope Francis, Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn said that every catholic should seek to be ‘at peace in their sex before God.’
Local bishops’ conferences are charged with the task of producing guidelines for parish priests and others as they accompany lay people on their individual journeys of discovery.
Said Cardinal Rinaldo Copacabana who has been given the task of overseeing the logisitics of the exercise: ‘This is a mammoth task. Millions of baptismal certificates and entries in registers will have to be withdrawn and re-issued. But think of the benefits! There need be no more arguments about women priests; and the divorce and remarriage debate will of course be completely transformed. (Think of what Burke will make of that!) And issues of equality and equal pay, which have bedevilled Catholic social teaching for years, will be solved at a stroke.'
Contacted by the National Catholic Register and The Tablet, Fr Spadaro also waxed almost lyrical: ‘This is so, so typical of the mercy and compassion of Our Holy Father. He wants everybody to be happy and everyone to have what they want. But to do so, and at the same time to solve the most serious moral and theological problems facing the Church at the present time, is shere [sic] genius.’
Applications for gender adjustment should be made, in the first instance to:
The Prefect,
Sacred Congregation for Sexual Transition.
Via Della Conciliazione 69
Roma 00192
Diocesan Tribunals will be initiated in due course.

What can we say? All means All.

Carry on,



  1. Maybe the Pope will miracle the genetic code too...

    I'm not holding my breath.

    But what can you expect from a Communist?

  2. Look on the bright-side, it simply demonstrates why the Pope is not infallible.

  3. LL, I'm not sure what this means for the Swiss Guard.

  4. No trans Godparents in the RC church, Anonymous. What haters...

  5. We must thank God for Ignatian satire, MB.

  6. This is a joke, right?

    If not, then this proves without doubt what I thought before. This pope is not a man of God.

    I forgive him his ignorance. He can explain it to God.

  7. Certainly that's satire, LSP. For just a moment I thought it was real. Good grief - haven't I got enough to worry about right now?

  8. Not to worry, Linda. Just satire.

  9. Juliette, I know, it's a worrying trend.
