Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Get On Parade!

This small farming community starts of Independence Day celebrations with a parade. 

The town turns out early to watch floats, horse buggies, ATVs, golf carts, tractors, game wardens, police, fire department and more. And lucky children get to pick up candy and popsicles thrown from the passing vehicles. Everyone's happy.

That's because everyone loves a parade and, in a perfect LSP world, the local militia would have marched along to the sound of drums, pipes and brass. Or, come to think of it, a squadron of cavalry would've been even better. As it was, there were a couple of riders on well turned out horses. 

A great result and small expression of something very American and good. Not that Blue Defender understood what was going on; I had to lock him inside the Compound where he growled at the passing "threats." Well done, fur-head.

Then the parade had passed and people went off to their homes to grill out and enjoy their freedom from the tyranny of England. And that's what I'll be doing, firing up the Weber and getting down to the serious business of hamburgers with the young 'un.

Have a great 4th!



  1. Happy Independence Day to you and yours, sir!

  2. The DLC should make a showing, properly fitted out. Let the armor lead the way, followed by horse artillery and lancers with the infantry bringing up the rear. Maybe next year?

    I hope you and young LSP enjoy your ration of hamburgers and that Blue Snarler is accorded his due.

  3. Great parade, hope your 4th was everything good about America!

  4. But isn't this a display of nationalism? And hasn't nationalism been thoroughly discredited as a tool of the alt-right white nationalists?

    Instead you should be begging our masters in Washington to institute a ten percent "U.N. tax on your income."

    Somebody has to fund the blue-helmeted rapists!

  5. Thanks, NFO, hope you had a great day!

  6. Excellent suggestion, LL, and a good day was had by all, including Blue Burger.

  7. It was a lot of fun, Adrienne. Hope all went well at your place!

  8. Brig, I think you'd have liked it.

  9. That, Infidel,is a very good point.
