Sunday, July 23, 2017

Fly The Flag

There's talk in some cities, including Dallas, believe it or not, of removing or relocating Confederate monuments. You don't hear that kind of talk here in the country.

I spotted this flag on the way to Mass.

Look, here's another.

And here's some more!

There are no plans to remove the Confederate war memorial in this town. That particular flag's simply not going to fly here and who knows, if you swing by the Compound you might get to use these helpful plates.

Levity aside, those who fought hard and honorably for states rights and their homeland deserve our respect, even if you consider the endeavor misguided. The victorious North, at the end of the war, recognized that much. 

While pondering magnanimity, reflect on this.

It's a near universal truth that whatever the progleft implements produces the exact opposite of its intended result. People fooling with monuments in search of cheap votes might want to take note. 

Deo Vindice.



  1. Nicely said; may I recommend...

  2. The SOUTH will rise again.

  3. This post has triggered me. I must retreat to my safe space.

    This blog does have a safe space for me? With teddy bears and fainting couches and chocolate? Because that would be nice.

  4. Thanks for the link, Anonymous.

  5. It sure doesn't seem like the North East is going to, LL...
