Wednesday, July 19, 2017


It seems Spanish leftists with the help of Saudi/Qatri cash are working hard to turn the great Catholic Cathedral of Cordoba into a mosque, in a kind of deconquista. You can read all about it in Zerohedge, here's a snapshot:

In 550 the Cathedral of Córdoba was a Christian basilica, dedicated to a saint; then, in 714, it was occupied by the Muslims, who destroyed it and converted it into the Great Mosque of Córdoba during the reign of Caliph Abd al Rahman I. The site was returned to Catholic worship by King Ferdinand III in 1523 and became the current great Cathedral of Córdoba, one of the most important sites of Western Christianity. Now an alliance of secularists and Islamists are trying to turn the church back to Islamic worship.

What drives the Left's love-affair with Islam? Certainly a mutual hatred of Christianity and the culture and spirit of the West which the Faith shaped. But here's a thought. 

When the cathedrals are all mosques and the call to prayer sounds out over Europe, who will you turn to when Pride organizers are being thrown off buildings and women stoned for adultery. The sharia police?

Good luck with that and I'll wager my fighting monkey against any six of your hijab wearing feminists that the red idiocracy will live to regret their infatuation with the meteorite worshipers.

By the Beard of the Prophet,



  1. The Left are Islam's 5th Column.

  2. My globalist masters tell me Islam is the Religion of Peace™ so I'm sure we have nothing to worry about.

  3. As with most of the things you post about, you can't make this crap up.

    Viva Franco!

  4. Franco? Really Theodore? The Germans flew thousands of Muslims into Spain in 1936 to over throw a democratically elected Government. It was not a good Government, but it could have been voted out of office and this would have been a better option than plunging Spain into three years of Civil War, decades of repression, diplomatic isolation and economic stagnation.

  5. Let's not forget the Grand Mufti...

  6. For Saint James and Spain! Santiago y España!

  7. Matamoros! Viva Hispania.

    Death light of Africa.
