Friday, June 23, 2017

California Bans Travel To Texas!

California has banned its civil servants from state-funded travel to Texas because the Lone Star State "discriminates."

Such tragedy. Who knows, perhaps the Rainbow State will ban all its citizens from visiting Texas.

Shoot straight,



  1. Gee....wonder if we'll get clobbered with an "Exit Tax" when we pack up and get out of here.....

    1. Drjim, the socialist state needs MOAR money...

  2. California may not let its citizens visit the Lone Star State. I'm waiting for an exit visa program to be put into place. I'll bet there's an exception for Austin hippies who want to visit their 'mecca' in San Francisco. You could paint a rock black and tell them that it's a meteorite. That would be progressive.

    1. LL, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a reciprocal visa waiver for Austin.

      We might have to wall it off.

  3. Texan hearts must be bleeding.

    In retaliation (and not looking a gift horse in the mouth) Texas should have this as article 8 “ Californians banned from Texas” written into the Constitution.

  4. Thanks for the knock, not all Californians are bad you know...

    I'm like drjim, Cali better not try to nail me with an exit tax.

  5. This ban matches 'internal exile' and other in-country travel restictions in other totalitarian states. It seems the stimulus was a law on adoption of children in favour of heterosexual couples of the opposite sex becoming parents. Put another away, Texas law is pro-women, pro-children being exposed to traditional motherhood and pro-children being able to have experience of both male and female genders. That seems a far more progressive policy.

  6. wife worked for the Long Beach Unified School District for 30 years. Her pension will come from the CalPERS retirement system. I've warned my wife that since she "earned" all the money in her fund that she's going to get hit with Kalifornia income tax on her monthly payout even though we're moving out of state and will be living out of state when she starts to collect it.

    She tells me I'm nuts, and they can't do that. I'm saying she's going to get clipped for whatever the sate income tax is at the time.

    I'm just waiting to see what happens after we're out of here!

  7. Meanwhile Texas says, "Um, and this is punishment? How?"

  8. What a silly grandstand...toilet choices. In the meantime, private businesses are leaving California in droves for numerous reasons that affect all of its citizens and (and non-citizens)not just the 0.07%. What magnificent leadership.

  9. "It's Life Jim, but not as we know it."

  10. Brig, I know that there are many good Californians. Please rise up in revolt.

  11. Infidel, Texans are distraught.

  12. But Miss Hill, it's the "civil rights issue of our time." Thanks, Joe "Biden."
