Tuesday, May 9, 2017

You're Fired

"You are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately. While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgement of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the bureau."

Savor the moment.



  1. Now ask yourself what Hillary is thinking about now. Maybe after Comey is fired, a new investigation into her criminal wrongdoing will begin...

    She may get a perp walk and that cell with big gray bars on the windows. The Clinton Foundation criminality has yet to be fully probed.

  2. I'm confused. Didn't the Democrats want Comey fired for "interfering" in the election when he announced he was reopening the Hillary email scandal? Now that he's been fired the left is all "It's a constitutional crisis!"

    It's almost as if the left is being inconsistent.

  3. LL, I always think that Hillary should be in jail. Maybe we'll see some movement in that direction, please. And I'm looking forward to your new position in the Bureau.

  4. Infidel, check your privilege, I'm triggered.

  5. You're being triggered has triggered me. I'm triggered triggered!!

  6. Sorry, Infidel. Must. Report. Myself. To. Reeducation.
