Friday, May 12, 2017

Manicorn -- Warning, Graphic.

A well known member of the intelligence community has alerted me to a new threat, "manicorns."  

Typical Manicorn Park Scene

Experts suggest that manicorns are related to the horned predators we're familiar with today, which are possibly mutations of the medieval unicorn or another species altogether, such as the Baiste-na-scoghaigh of Scottish folklore.

If you google manicorn you'll find some 69,000 results. How many of these are in San Francisco and Austin is, at present, unclear.

Mind how you go,



  1. Well isn't that special... (o.0)

  2. As a note: There are no conservative manicorns, and so you can put a season on them in Texas - no bag limit.

  3. I can't believe the things supposedly adult people do now a days. I always think about my father who never even owned a pair of jean (dungarees to him), and put on a jacket to go to the grocery store.

  4. Things only get weirder, Linda...

  5. As I understand it, LL, their sanctuary status in Austin is under legal challenge. But it's open season, no limit in Hill County.

  6. Adrienne, I think we've devolved.
