Saturday, May 6, 2017

French Media Makes Pathetic NWO Attempt to Block News

Well, well, no sooner has NWO Illuminati Rothschild stooge, Macron, been hit with a 9 gig email hack than the lying, corrupt, smug, elite media in France has decided to impose a news blackout. You know, in case their candidate doesn't win. Go, Moloch.

Here at the Compound we're standing by the JAMs and for all you French readers, check out the links.

So much for tolerance and free speech, French satraps of the New World Order. But watch out, Moloch, your days are numbered.

Hail Kek.



  1. I am praying the French will make the right decision.

  2. We'll soon know how France votes. I wonder if the mainstream media elites will cry if Le Pen is elected in the same way that they did when President Trump was elected? There is something about liberal elitist illuminati tears that is - sweet.

    Macron has serious mommy issues, and while it explains while he married a woman 24 years his senior --- it doesn't bode well for a national leader. He may be a thumb sucker like Barack.

  3. So Cheese eating surrender Monkeys it is then.

  4. Looks like the French went with the banksters, Linda. Next time...

  5. LL, looks like the French decided to be dupe puppets of the New World Order. Good luck with that.

    I get the feeling that Melania isn't impressed.

  6. Looks that way, Anonymous. Moloch 1, Kek 0 in this particular round.
