Saturday, May 27, 2017

Bodyslam A Guardian Reporter, Win An Election

Everyone wants to do it and now someone finally has, that's right, bodyslam a Guardian reporter and win an election.

Montana Republican candidate, Greg Gianforte, finally snapped at Guardian journalist Ben Jacobs' aggressive questioning and bodyslammed the hack to the ground, allegedly punching and breaking her spectacles. 

The move resonated with voters who had lost patience with the antics of the lying, corrupt, elite, mendacious, smug, condescending mainstream media.

When Gianforte apologized in his victory speech for attacking the aggressive reporter, saying that he "made a mistake," supporters shouted out, "Not in our minds!"

One commentator summed up the mood of the electorate, "With distrust and hatred of the lying media at all time highs, what Gianforte might have done might have gotten him more votes. Ben Jacobs, you are nothing but a pathetic, left wing hack and a hypocrite. Let UK Guardian pay for your new glasses."

Ben Jacobs is suing Greg Gianforte for assault. Greg Gianforte is enjoying his handy win in the Montana election. 

Whether this is the start of an encouraging trend has yet to be seen.

Carry on,



  1. Getting punched or body slammed is how the mendacious punks in the mainstream media become famous. I prefer the concept of putting ex-lax in their drinks. It takes them out of play and since many are queer, it shows them what an ass-hole is for.

  2. I think my reaction to someone shoving a mic in my face would have been the same.

    1. A lot of people s6mpathize with Goanforte, Adrienne. And who can blame them?

  3. Since duelling is still outlawed, I'd be fine with an old fashioned cane beatdown in Congress now 'n then. I'll even accept a bodyslam or two, and why not, The Donald has been in the pro wrestling ring as a celebrity guest judge and got throw around a bit.

    1. Mettexian, I see a bright future in congressional cane beatdowns!

  4. Normally, a 20-something guy can kick a 50-something guy's butt, all else being equal.

    And, again, normally, before getting body slammed, the 20-something guy should have landed at least a punch or two.

    Pajama Boy at least knows where he need not apply going forward: as a bouncer, or body guard.

    1. I think you're right, Fredd. I don't young Benjy doing anything very physical except maybe tossing empty lattes out of her crib.

  5. Seeing as how I work for the MSM here in the Big Apple, what he did makes him a hero in my eyes.

    I'm only sorry he didn't break the little girl's nose.

    1. Infidel, Gianforte is a hero. Maybe the repellently smug Guardian will pay for the little girls glasses.
