Sunday, April 2, 2017

Storm, Art, Flag, Bishop

The three or four Russian hackers that read this mind blog keep asking, "Tovarich, LSP, there are no posts! What is happening? Explain." Alright, I will.

Things have been incredibly busy at the Compound, with Lent talks, Stations of the Cross, an Episcopal Visitation, storms, flying the flag and making art.

It's a simple installation; a plain color field whose center is an absence, a void inviting projection as we journey downwards and beneath the image. Is it a reflection, a mirror, an image of the other or none of these things? It's called "X Ring," serious inquiries only.

Great art aside,  our enemy the Weather has launched a ferocious offensive, unleashing thunder, lightning and torrential rain. Our bishop braved that this morning to visit the missions; well done, Jack Iker.

It will probably storm again tonight and the Compound, like the prow or bridge of a ship, will stand tall against the fury of the elements.

Be safe,



  1. It is definitely doing that, here, Parson. For Louisiana you can add a couple tornadoes to the mix.

    You all be safe and God bless.

  2. The target art is that directed against Russians? A warning to Putin - a shot across his bow?

  3. Where's the indestructible, obliterated fiver art? Come on, LSP!

  4. The rains have stopped here, and the NORTH wind has been blowing so hard that one can only travel in a Southerly direction. Back to irrigating to keep things alive.

    Love your wall art, too many fliers in mine to hang it.

    You need a sign out front that says, "this home protected by God and high speed wire-less devices"...

  5. Comment to Brig and LSP: The home is also protected by Blue Destroyer, recently released from prison and on parole, but I didn't note any prison tattoos. Likely that's covered by the blue hair. The blue dog is vigilant -- more vigilant when steaks are being cooked or when LSP is preparing to eat a cherry pie from the fried pie store.

  6. Be careful, Linda. God bless!

  7. Always good to get on target against the reds, LL.

  8. Juliette, it will be framed tomorrow and on the wall. Stay tuned.

  9. That's a very good idea, Brig! And I could do with some pistol practice, come to think of it...

  10. He does like his steak and pie, LL. I haven't seen any prison "markings," but I haven't looked too closely.

  11. I'm not certain that he joined an anti-mailman or anti UPS gang in the joint, but I wouldn't be surprised, either.

  12. He probably got a lot of tips on how to do it without getting caught next time.
