Saturday, April 29, 2017

Miserable Offenders

It sounds simple and it should be simple. As the heat climbs ever higher, turn on the AC and enjoy the cooling blast of chilled air. 

That's the myth. The reality is you turn on the air and all you get is a groan and a hiss as the temperature in the house approaches ovenlike intensity. 

Broken Rubbish

What do you do when that happens? Get out the fans, open the large screened windows and start to melt while you call the HVAC tech. But hey, whoever said the War on Weather'd be easy?

El Nino Will Build The Wall

Speaking of which, Senator Ted Cruz has sensibly suggested that we use El Nino's confiscated millions to build the much-needed border wall. Good call.

Your Old Pal,



  1. That solution to the wall works for me!

    When copper prices are up, around here in Louisiana, people have had the copper tubing stolen out of their air conditioners while they slept in their homes.
    Not often, but it has happened.
    I hope your problem will be fixed more reasonably.

    I think a cold front is supposedly coming through..

  2. I had to replace one of two AC units here at the west coast outpost for the DLC. It was around $6K. They felt as if they were giving me a great price. It felt more like Blue Dog breathing in my face...really.

    I think that the least we could do is name the wall after El Chapo if he pays for it.

  3. There seemed to be a rash of copper thefts from churches, a couple years back. I hope there's a special place in Hell for those idjits.

  4. A house without air-con in Texas is like hot tea without milk: preposterous. Trying to sleep without it must be like trying to ski uphill backwards. Put everything down, LSP and go and catch yourself an engineer forthwith.

  5. Jules, that is excellent advice and you'll be glad to know it's been acted on as a number one PRIORITY.

  6. The cold front's come in, Linda, thank God...

  7. Sorry about the unit, LL. HVAC can be a pricey nightmare but the famously paid for El Chapo Wall? That's a beautiful thing.

  8. Amen indeed, Parson. I pray you are all well today and none the worse for the storms that went through last night and this morning!

  9. But don't you know air conditioners lead to climate change and rising sea levels? Why do you want the coastal elite to drown, LSP?

  10. Infidel de Manahatta said...

    But don't you know air conditioners lead to climate change and rising sea levels? Why do you want the coastal elite to drown,

    EVERYBODY, turn that thermostat down, WAY DOWN, right now, quick

  11. Linda, it got gusty but nothing serious, thank God... God bless!

  12. That, Infidel, is a very good point. No one wants the bi-coastal, millionaire socialist elites to drown. Least of all me.

  13. Egyptian!

    But yes, we must save energy, for the greater good.
