Wednesday, March 15, 2017

University of Minnesota Enters Androgynous Hive Mind

The University of Minnesota is no longer a place of learning for young men and women but is now part of the Androgynous Hive Mind (AHM).

The shift from a human university, with men and women, to an androgynous hive mind construct, was signaled by the U of M abolishing the terms "King" and "Queen" from the school's annual homecoming celebrations. According to new hive mind directives, top students will now be known as Sexless Royals, or "SRs."

"Binary sexuality has no place in the Hive Mind," explained one university administrator, "This change to having SRs allows the University to select the best student representatives for the U of M based on campus and community involvement — regardless of gender, which doesn't exist in the AHM."

The decision to enter the Androgynous Hive Mind was taken by top university officials who believed the school was "limited" by gender identity. 

“We are excited about this change,” said the U of M's marketing spokesmind, “Our student body is made up of a very diverse population that shouldn’t be limited by gender identity. Other colleges, universities and even high schools have made similar changes and are now part of the Androgynous Hive Mind. Soon there will be no more men or women, only sexless drones, doing the will of the Hive." 

Hail the Hive!



  1. Are gym changing rooms and restrooms co-ed? They should be because gender, like race, is a social construct and all you need to be one or another is to self-identify. When I woke up this morning, I self-identified as a Hawaiian which made me want to run down to the local welfare office and enroll - just because. Tomorrow, I may self-identify as a female, negro, 18 year old because age must be a construct too.

  2. Oh good Lord. Can we still say Lord? I'm sick to death of this ridiculousness.

  3. If there are no more males and females, maybe we can stop abortion...

  4. On a side note...... way to go, liberal idiots..... spouting your love of "freedom of speech" and all........ no wonder they're ALL insane.

  5. LL, I've been 32 for some time now, unfortunately my teeth decided to disagree... then there's Shaun King and Rachel Dolezal, sorry, Nechi or whatever she calls herself these days.

  6. Mrs. Buggles, it needs to stop.

  7. Linda, that's a very good point. Of course the sexless hive drones can't reproduce; there's a moral in that somewhere.
