Wednesday, March 8, 2017

International Women's Day!

It's International Women's Day, so here's a helpful meme.




  1. I guess they could delude themselves into thinking they're matching for women worldwide, who aren't enjoying those same rights, but I don't think they care about the sisterhood in Arabia, living under various degrees of Sharia law, with all that entails.

  2. Yeah, they think they are marching for women world wide who don't have the same rights, but when they go to an Arab country and start fighting for those womens' rights. Then I will respect them. If they survive.

    They all disgust me, just like the stupid women (and pseudo men) with the stupid pussy hats and outfits.
    This is more than a lack of common sense; but I'll be darned if I can find the words to say just how ignorant it is.

    I suppose that makes me a bad Christian. I will ask for forgiveness for my sins tonight.

  3. What a load of old tosh.

    See, real women don't do this kind of thing. Real women know that everyday is womens' day and act accordingly. If anyone around me doesn't understand this, I kill them.

  4. Nothing says honor Gaia to me like a womyn wearing a vagina hat screaming at a camera that she wants to kill her unborn baby.

    How many of the womyn at the march were either genuine witches or aspirants?

  5. Don't be fooled by the shiny object flashing over here, when over there is where the malfeasance and skulduggery is festering.

    This latest Day Without Women is just another leftist, pinko attempt to bring down Western Civilization. We still out number these anarchists, and certainly can out gun them.

    Except for the good Parson, who will only send scorching hot lead into silhouettes, and never into a fellow creature of God. I might be wrong on this one, however.

  6. Sorry, TC! Must hire more and better copy editors...

  7. A lot of them seem to think Sharia's a pretty good thing, Mattexian. What dhimmwits.

  8. I think that makes you a good Christian, Linda.

  9. That's a very good question, LL. I'd say there's some serious occultists in the mix, just like you get in the DNC.

  10. But the question is, Fredd, how many of them are "fellow creatures of God"?

  11. The poor oppressed victims of gender interrupted my commute home from work yesterday. "This is what democracy looks like" they chanted!

    .........and that's why you got Trump.

  12. I want a show of proud hands from them to this simple question. (1) How many of you have murdered your unborn children? (2) How many of you profited from it by selling the baby's body?*

    *I realize that Planned Parenthood doesn't kick down the profit from the sale of the infant's body but I'd still ask the question. PP needs the cash to pay for Ferraris, Bentleys and Rolls Royce cars, private jets, yachts and lavish orgy/vacations.

  13. Jules, you are entirely correct. And dangerous!

  14. LL, it's not easy being Cecile...
