Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Hijab Feminist Dhimmwits

Have you noticed how the feminist left has co-opted the hijab, using it as a symbol of emancipated womanhood? USA Today, which by some strange miracle still exists, has:

Since the election of President Donald Trump, the debate around Islamic dress has taken a new turn: The hijab has emerged as a symbol of resistance to Islamophobia amid policies from the Trump administration targeting Muslim immigrants.

Well, there's nothing like a good dose of Sharia to get women's empowerment moving right along. But would that be before or after your husband beats you for dressing immodestly?

Well done, leftists. You are without question five star dhimmwits.




  1. A man in Islam may beat a woman with a rod no larger around than his thumb. So consider a piece of re-bar. There is a prohibition against hitting her in the face and disfiguring her in that way. See the Prophet Mohammed did have a gentle streak.

    I think that all of the Hollywood women should go and live in Islam under Sharia for five years. Then come back and tell us how cool it was.

  2. Things like that make me wonder sometimes what "Alternate Universe" I've woken up in....

  3. They could join the Mecca Pride march, LL.

  4. They're completely insane, drjim.

  5. I must steal the term, "5 star dimwits" Like.

  6. All yours, Jules! But don't forget the extra "m," as in "dhimmitude"... seriously, what delta minus semi-morons.
