Wednesday, February 22, 2017

You Brazen Dhimmwits

The progleft's new symbol of freedom and tolerance is a woman in a Stars and Bars hijab. "We The People," runs the slogan, "Are Greater Than Fear." Fear of what? Sharia punishments like being stoned for adultery or raped as a sex-slave? How about beaten by your husband or, you know, forced to wear a hijab while you eat in the basement with the other women, sharia style.

Islam is famous for its support of women's rights. Go ask a Saudi Arabian woman before she's beaten for driving a car or trying on clothes when shopping. But seriously, why does the left fall over backwards to endorse the same Islam that's 180 degrees opposed to everything it stands for? Everything, that is, except hatred for the West. Perhaps that's the clue.

In the meanwhile, hijab feminists, you are brazen dhimmwits.

By the beard of the Prophet,



  1. You know, Pastor, that Osama bin Laden and his islamic cavemen buddies would have had this stars and stripe hijab model stoned to death for that haram eye liner, the evil red lipsick of the devil, and just for looking pretty in general.

  2. I was thinking that, Fredd. The femileft prove themselves yet again, as if it were needed, to be sheer, brazen, total dhimmwits.

  3. I really can't wrap my head around why/how they can even support any of that... Unless they are fetishists that are into masochism...

  4. Quite simply the left hates itself. The only thing it hates more than itself is freedom. The only thing it hates more than freedom are women.

  5. A proper burka only has the eyes showing (black and blue or both), not the entire face. Only a whore would show her face...Islam is that sort of faith.

  6. The leftists are the textbook definition of "People Unclear On The Concept"....

  7. And you can't convince them. They are too ignorant to see it. "Nothing has happened around here. They've been good neighbors for 'X' years."

  8. Oh how pretty, where can I get one?! ....

  9. I think they're insane, Old NFO...

  10. There's no convincing them whatsoever, Linda. That Islam is peaceful is an article of faith for them, like a revealed truth. Remarkable.

  11. Juliette, I don't want to let the wolf out of the mine, as it were, but I understand the WWM might have a line of patriotic merchandising...
