Saturday, February 25, 2017

Water Is Sacred But You Are Trash

It starts off innocently enough, at least on the surface. A few hundred hippies in a field saying no to a pipeline and pretending they're Red Indians. And why do hippies always like to imagine they're cowboys and Indians? 

Whatever, there they are in a field in Dakota, building wigwams, making bead jewelry, chanting "water is sacred", there's a little dancing, some petty thieving, the usual. Then more hippies find out about the freak camp and turn up for the action.

The Indians aren't too pleased about this, partly because the hippies are stealing all their food and also because the freaks are trashing the land with their garbage. Think 10,000 hippies, if you dare, and you'll get the picture. Not nice and it gets worse.

Before you know it, Susan Sarandon appears. Sarandon's 85 years old but looks younger because of hippy magic, but even magic can't take care of the waste of thousands of hippies who have fallen on the land like a plague of filthy locusts.

Finally the plug's pulled on the NoDAPL protest leaving 250 truckloads of trash to be removed from the site before it contaminates the local water supply, and authorities are searching for dead bodies amidst the garbage.

Moral of the story? Apart from drill, drill, drill, never, ever, let hippies onto your land. They'll destroy it. The same goes for Susan Sarandon. For detailed analysis see here.

Your Old Pal,



  1. Yeah, they're all for saving "Mother Earth" or "Gaia" or whatever hip, trendy phrase they use these days.

    Until it comes to cleaning up their own mess.....

    Then they're nowhere to be found......

  2. That mess is sickening (in more ways than one.) I'd take an oil spill over that any day.

  3. I wonder how many babies were sired there at Standing Rock - a phallic metaphor if ever there was one?

    They are doing clean up while everything is still frozen, before it begins to stink, and before the spring floods wash all of that trash and human detritus down into (sacred) Indian land causing non-sacred cholera and dysentery.

    Inviting hippies onto your land is much akin to inviting Muslims. You shouldn't do it - unless you're VERY progressive. Then it's ok. The Indians aren't progressive but they thought it was a good idea to get support from Austin and San Francisco. Think again.

  4. Yeah, inviting hippies to anything is problematic. As the old saying goes, 'live by the hippie, die by the hippie.' Or something like that.

  5. Hippies were bad enough in the '60s but now we have their children trying to relive some sort of golden age of Aquarius.

    I say bring back the draft. But only for hippies.

  6. They're not too keen on work of any kind, drjim, they'd much rather be thieving.

  7. An oil spill'd be far less toxic, Adrienne.

  8. LL, the Indians certainly had buyers remorse, and who can blame them?

  9. Hippies aren't known for their honesty, Linda, that's my take on it.

  10. It's a simple axiom, Fredd, and you'd think the Indians would have learned it by now. But no, apparently not.

  11. That, Infidel, is a very good idea. Kind of like a penal battalion, but for hippies.
