Saturday, February 18, 2017

Are They Insane?

Keen-eyed observers of the religious scene will have noted that Pope Francis doesn't think Islamic terrorism exists.

“Christian terrorism does not exist, Jewish terrorism does not exist, and Muslim terrorism does not exist. They do not exist,” said the popular pontiff in a statement to the World Meeting of Popular Movements in Modesto, California.

Germany's unpopular Chancellor, Frau Merkel, wasn't slow off the mark either. In a speech outlining the European Union's responsibility to take in more Muslim refugees as well as fighting terrorism, she stated that the EU has to "convince people that it is not Islam that is the problem, but a falsely understood Islam."

So, it's agreed, by authorities none other than the Holy Father and the German Chancellor, that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. Hunh, far out, now we know, Islamic terrorism doesn't exist, which prompts the question. Are these people insane?

Maybe Mohammad, when he was cutting people's heads off at Medina or raping sex slaves wasn't anything to do with Islam. Perhaps, when the Prophet was leading his war horde to conquest, he was guilty of misunderstanding the religion he founded.

Sure, maybe he was, in the crazy world of PapalMerkelLand, and maybe Pope Francis and the German Chancellor know more about Islam than the learned Imams who sanction slavery, wife beating, stoning for adultery and execution for apostasy.

On the other hand, maybe Francis and Merkel have been driven mad by the glittering lights of progleft lib dogma, by the faith that says all religions are but aspects of one big Lennonesque peace sign written in the aether.

Tell that to a Yazidi sex slave or a Christian in Mosul.




  1. I was born and raised Roman Catholic, so I have an innate respect for The Pope.

    Up until this one, that is....

    I suppose it was just a matter of time before a Muslim/Commie got into the White House (thank God that loser is out of there!), and a Commie was "elected" as Pope.

    Too bad there aren't term limits on the Papacy....

  2. Tolerance is an agreement to live in peace, not an agreement to be peaceful no matter the conduct of others. A peace treaty is not a suicide pact. It would be interesting if the Pope laid off the sacramental wine long enough to entertain that notion. Dr. Jim (above) is spot on. The Pope is an Illuminati stooge, thus nothing that he advocates will make sense.

  3. Fr Zulsdorf quoted a prayer by one of the fathers of the church for bishops several years ago, cannot remember by whom,
    "Please lord open his eyes or close them forever"
    Kinda fits, As a Catholic, Francis drives me nuts, but however if you study Argentinian politics, he you sort of understand him, but he STILL drives me nuts

  4. The Catholics had problems with False Popes before; we're inundated with "fake news" now: could one extrapolate that perhaps this Pope is fake too?

  5. I know a lot of Catholics who are embarrassed by this pope. Unfortunately I also know a lot who think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

    Interesting times ahead indeed.

  6. I do too, drjim and I don't like posting anything that's critical of the office -- but wake up to Islam, Francis...

  7. "Tolerance is an agreement to live in peace, not an agreement to be peaceful no matter the conduct of others." Well said, LL.

  8. I like Fr. Z, Egyptian. Francis? He seems to be locked into some kind of 70s/80s timewarp.

  9. I don't think he is, Mattexian, but enough of the Islam is a religion of peace garbage, Holy Father.

  10. There's a few catholics who'd like to see a lesbitransgay priestess at every altar, Infidel, and liturgical dance in every sanctuary.

    They must not win this war.
