Monday, January 16, 2017

Should Englishmen Be Allowed Firearms?

Maybe yes, maybe no, but I wouldn't want to be the Jihad when it all kicks off. To quote the Iron Duke:

I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but, by God, they frighten me.

Thanks, JS, for the infovid.

England Forever.



  1. Well, I don't know either, but certainly EnglishWOMEN shouldn't be allowed firearms! Duh! :D

  2. An armed society is a polite society. Every Brit should be mandated to possess an Uzi. Actually, I wouldn't mind having one myself.

  3. That, Grunt, is a VERY good point.

  4. Funny you should say that, Fredd. I want one too.

  5. Errrr...Think on, Grunt! I look very swag with a firearm!

  6. Jules, I don't want to preempt Grunt but I have to agree. With you.

  7. I think I'll be happy if Texas allows open carry once again, without having to beg the gubmint's permission first. Then next time the Legislature meets, we can work on complete "Constitutional carry," and conceal them without a license. We could do like a buddy and I joked back when they first discussed CHL, that the bars would hang up signs asking patrons to "please check your gunbelts at the door."
