Friday, December 9, 2016

Vicarious Swine

"It was either a pig or a doe. I shot the pig, perhaps because it seemed like an enemy," said my philisophical ally, and I have to agree. Spare the doe, shoot the porcuswine!

I won't say I'm not jealous.

Good shot,



  1. You should have been out there to slaughter pigs too. I realize that you are preaching the word of God, visiting the sick, etc. but all things in moderation.

  2. Better to shoor the hog, no limit, since they're a nuisance. Plus, they're made of bacon and pork chops!

  3. LL, as my spiritual advisor, I have no choice but to agree.

  4. Gosh darn those damn things are fun to shoot. We were over run with them on one ranch. They are So destructive. Most were to nasty to eat, even the buzzards didn't like'm much...

  5. They're right destructive, Brig. Like a series of mobile landmines... shoot!
