Monday, December 12, 2016

The Vatican Goes Green!

Pope Francis' Vatican has issued tough new directives requiring priests and seminarians to go green and take the "emerging planetary crisis" seriously by having an "ecological conversion."

Rome's eco-directive, called "The Gift of the Priestly Formation," goes on to state that “it will be necessary for future priests to be highly sensitive to this theme and, through the requisite Magisterial and theological guidance, help to acknowledge the appeal, immensity and urgency of the challenge we face.”

Typical Global Warming

Here at the Compound we take the urgency of the War on Weather very seriously indeed. That's why we favor the workmanlike Glock 21 and its 13 rounds of .45 ACP stopping power, capable of unnerving accuracy in the most adverse weather conditions.

A Glock and a Spyrderco in the War on Weather

Some prefer the mighty .357 Magnum, but here's a thought.When the emerging planetary crisis has taken 6 rounds and you have to reload, the Glock 21's still firing.

Lead downrange, in the War on Weather.



  1. Is the CofE going to follow in the Pope's wake?

    The reason that I'm asking is that I'd like some of the free solar panels they're handing out for the White Wolf Mine. Put me on the list plz. I'm not an Anglican, I'm a heathen, but all the more reason to try and sway me with trinkets.

  2. I think the CoE's pretty much there, LL.

    I'll shoot Lambeth Palace a text and see what I can hook up for the WWM. Hey,go green.

  3. Perhaps the liberal's favorite Pope can ban the resurrection. I mean after all, all that energy being produced can't be good for the environment.


  4. We had solar panels on the roof for hot water on one ranch house, the thing they didn't think through was the electricity needed to pump the water up there, which was provided by a big diesel CAT generator...
    Learning some of the background on who gets paid what on the wind farms in the Columbia gorge, interesting squandering of our tax dollars...

  5. I think the Pope is off his rocker. And that's all I have to say about that.

  6. Don't know what the Pope thinks he can do against God's design; but then I don't like this pope much anyway.

    I wish I could get in on that solar panel giveaway, but since I don't like the pope, I expect that request would float like a rock, haha!

  7. The war on weather was won with a sig...

  8. Infidel, I agree. #BringBackBenedict

  9. Brig, I've heard wind farms are pernicious but I'm no expert. Every weapon counts in the War on Weather!

  10. Adrienne, it's hard to keep making excuses for him... #BringBackBenedict

  11. But Linda, maybe if you had an "ecological conversion" you'd be in with a chance?

  12. Must get a Glock...hell, live in the UK...

    Must move to Texas!!!

  13. Haha. Maybe so, Parson. Maybe so. :)
