Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Night Patrol

It being #TrumpsAmerica, it only seemed right to walk off big steaks and go on patrol. That's right, night patrol, with Blue Combat Team. (BCT)

Watch My Tracer!

There weren't any enemies, luckily for them, but there were lots of lights. Good looking neighborhood; not so long ago it was ghetto. That's changed. Watch out for sticker shock, new arrivals.

We RV'd at a wine store, thanks, gentrification, and bought some claret. Good price and it makes a change, being from France and all. Then back to base.

Less Hood, More Vinters

The dollar stores, tattoo parlors and used tire shops have turned into a restaurant, "Bistro," thank you very much, a bookbinder and a children's shop. I'd be surprised if you could come out of the children's shop without paying less than a set of All Terrains.

Light it Up

Price aside, it's a good development. Less ghetto please, more safe, pleasant neighborhoods to walk about in.

A Typical Druid

Was I armed? That's a secret.

Glocks Forever,



  1. What's happening to Hillsboro? Is Trump's America taking hold already?

    And what about Blue Stock Broker? What are his hot picks?

  2. That looks like a very middle class walk. I think the ghetto has moved to my neck of the woods.
    Well, I hope you were armed and dangerous - you have to be very wary of people with fairy lights.

  3. LL, Hillsboro's already showing some improvement, thank God, but the pics are from Dallas. The neighborhood's getting very ritzy.

    Blue Insider's made a surprising amount of money on the US Dollar. Of course he got into his position when it was cheap... right now he's saying something about Exxon (XOM) breaking through its '14 peak and then splitting. But at the end of the day he's always long on STEAK (STK).

  4. That, Jules, is an excellent point. Maybe you should have a word with the Town Council about the greenlit SovBloc tree?

  5. I always enjoy the lights at Christmas time.

    Be safe and God bless. Merry Christmas!
